Does Changing Cabin Filter Improve Performance?

It is recommended to replace your cabin air filter every 12,000 to 15,000 miles, especially if you live in a densely populated area or a large city. Doing so can improve engine performance and prevent other problems from arising. A clogged filter will affect the efficiency of your car's heating and cooling system, leading to a decrease in air volume, bad odors in the cabin, or premature failure of HVAC components. Replacing a dirty filter can make a huge difference in the air quality of your car.

It will prevent pollen from entering the vehicle and causing its occupants to sneeze or worse. The exact mileage marks for recommended cabin air filter changes can be found in your car's owner's manual, although they vary by vehicle type and manufacturer. Nevertheless, it is clear that a clean air filter increases airflow to the engine and boosts engine performance and fuel consumption. A blocked engine air filter impedes air from passing through the engine, resulting in low efficiency.

The cabin air filter is used regardless of whether you use the air conditioning or heating in your car, since there is always air entering and leaving the passenger compartment. Even though it does not directly affect your vehicle's movement from point A to point B, it is still important to buy a new one and replace it regularly. Make sure that the replacement air filter is designed for the exact make and model of your car. This filter is usually located behind the glove compartment and cleans the air as it moves through the vehicle's HVAC system.

In newer fuel-injected cars, it is usually situated near the top front or side of the engine, next to the throttle body. For every gallon of fuel burned, the engine consumes up to 10,000 gallons of air, so it is easy to understand how essential a clean air filter is for proper operation of a car. It prevents contaminants such as dirt, dust, smoke, smog, pollen, mold spores and exhaust gases from entering the cabin of a vehicle through the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Do not confuse the cabin air filter with the engine air filter, although they perform similar functions.

Additionally, changing the air filter regularly will protect the engine and vital internal engine parts from excessive wear and damage that leads to driving problems and potentially expensive engine repairs. While the cabin air filter is easy to access, be careful not to break any of the clips or pins that hold it. Replacing it at regular intervals will ensure that passengers don't have to roll down windows in winter to get fresh air. If you are servicing your vehicle at a repair shop or dealer, the technician might suggest a cabin air filter replacement.

Erica Sagedahl
Erica Sagedahl

Devoted webaholic. Lifelong reader. Freelance zombie junkie. Hardcore zombie advocate. Infuriatingly humble beer evangelist.

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